Taurine in the world of sport
 Taurine, as glutamine is one of the amino acids considered essential amino acids essential conditional or convertible. This sulfated amino acids (containing a sulfur group instead of a carboxyl group). Naturally found in colostrum secreted by mothers during the first days of delivery and in breast milk so it is especially necessary for newborns, baby milks have added the amino acids. Although synthesized in the body from the amino acids methionine and cysteine using vitamin B6 as a cofactor in the enzymatic reaction, such endogenous production is not sufficient to achieve the optimum amount that can cause the beneficial effects of this amino acid. That is why you need an additional exogenous. Furthermore, since the amino acid glutamine is the second most abundant free form in the muscle tissue. This amino acid has an interest in bodybuilding because of its numerous applications in the sport but also important to overall health. To begin with, is an indicator of insulin and as such acts similarly to the hormone helping to push the glucose and amino acids into muscle cells as well as increase the metabolism of glucose and amino acids and has hypoglycemic effect is lower blood glucose levels. The result is an increase in protein synthesis observed second daily dose of 1500 mg, separated in three of 500 mg may result in decreased protein catabolism, remember that catabolism is the destruction of tissue with a consequent loss of mass muscle. Taurine in the growth of fast-twitch muscles. We have commented before that there is a high concentration of taurine in free form in skeletal muscles. A physiological reasons for their participation in the mechanism of excitation contraction of muscle fibers, more specifically in the transmission of nerve impulses at neuromuscular contraction mechanism of the nerve impulse at neuromuscular. The retraction mechanism is obviously the foundation for success in training. There is also evidence that they are fast muscle fibers which is more affected than slow. Cardiovascular level of taurine regulates blood pressure at the same time strengthens the heart muscle. Finally, this amino acid might also be involved in regulating the volume of some cells such as nerve cells and muscle.Strenuous exercise and stress situations cause a reduction in taurine levels in the body which can maniferstarse in certain functional disorders of tissues that can act as a modulator of growing. In fact, their association with other amino acids stimulates growth hormone.As you can see the benefits of this amino acid are huge and very comparable to that glutamine supplements are often formulas that combine to create synergistic effect, ie increasing the benefits of the effects of addition. Taurine are also adding to energy formulas containing vitamins especially the B group, ungrateful carbon and its purported ability stimulant caffeine.

Taurine in medicine
Currently it is very common to think that the causes of many diseases arise from within the person, ie, nutrient imbalances and the body's reactions to environmental changes. People have begun to take direct responsibility for their health and our interest in nutrition is a symbol of the healthy change of attitude.The cause of the disease in man is man. Amino acids are the most useful in psychiatry because they are precursors of neurotransmitters the "language" brain chemical. Measure the plasma amino acid content has helped identify specific chemical imbalances associated with depression, schizophrenia, anxiety and insomnia.Amino acids are also useful in general medical problems such as diabetes, obesity, anorexia, hair loss and allergies.All these diseases are best understood with proof of amino acids.Biochemical imbalances of amino acids, commonly found in all these diseases and many others. Amino acids are so central to health than most diseases alter the imbalance. Amino acids also are useful in surgery.It seems that the intensive study of vitamins and minerals, we forgot to amino acids, which are as important as the above.Amino acids are important nutrients like the vitamins, minerals and enzymes. However, for some reason you often hear or read articles that cover this information.Amino acids are the alphabet of proteins. Act the same way that the letters form words and sentences. Amino acids form peptides, polypeptides and peptides are finally formed polypeptides proteins. We know at least 22 different amino acids.Taurine is an amino acid that occurs naturally in the body and food (mainly in animal protein). Its name is derived from Bos taurus (ox bile) which was first isolated more than 150 years. Taurine differs from most other amino acids, which are not incorporated into proteins. It exists as a free amino acid in most animal tissues and is one of the most abundant amino acid in muscle, platelets, and the developing nervous system.Although the body expends much energy focused on taurine in various tissues, scientists are not completely sure of what the functions of taurine. There is evidence that serves as a neurotransmitter (a chemical messenger in the nervous system), a regulator of salt and water balance within the cells and a stabilizer of cell membranes. Taurine participates in the detoxification of foreign chemicals and is also involved in the production and action of bile.Since each of these two functions is essential to good health, a deficiency of taurine would presumably lead to significant health problems.Taurine is not typically considered as an essential amino acid because it can be manufactured in the body of the amino acid cysteine. Consequently conventional doctors rarely consider the need for a supplement of taurine. However, there are situations in which, taurine deficiency can occur. For example, plasma taurine levels decline significantly in infants fed canned milk that has not been supplemented with taurine.A deficiency can also occur in patients receiving long-term IV feeding. Animal studies have shown that blood levels of taurine declines with advancing age. In addition, certain diseases can be associated with deficits (or increased requirements of) this amino acid. It has been shown that taurine is of value to treat many common diseases and because it works on such a basic biochemical level, their therapeutic potential deserves closer scrutiny.With regard to heart disease, we can say that taurine comprises over 50% of free amino acids in the heart. Taurine improved heart muscle strength, prevented the development of a cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease) in animals.